Am cumparat acum 2-3 luni cateva produse de la E.l.f. Cele care vi le voi prezenta sunt din a 2a mea comanda data de pe site'ul celor de la
E.l.f .
I bought a few months ago some products from E.l.f cosmetics and the items that I will present are from my second order from their website.
Ce spune E.l.f despre aceste produse :
Luxos de fina, formula cu matase de porumb ofera ochilor o baza neutra si o stralucire uimitoare. Formula se aplica pe piele pentru un efect de lunga durata. Cele patru nuante ofera posibilitatea alegerii unui aspect natural sau a unui aspect dramatic.
What E.l.f says : Luxuriously smooth, corn silk formula provides eyes with a neutral base and an awakened brightness. The formula blends into skin for a long lasting, beautiful effect. The 4 colour quad allows for both natural and dramatic looks.
Parerea mea
: Sunt cu adevarat culori foarte frumoase, majoritatea au cam mult sclipici pentru gustul meu, insa sunt destul de pigmentate si rezista destul daca sunt folosite cu primer.
My opinion : They are truly beautiful colours, the majority has more glitter then I expected, but they are pretty pigmented and they stay on for long if they are used with primer.
Punk Funk : culori vibrante, dramatice si impunatoare .
Vibrant , dramatic and imposing colours.
Nouveau Neutrals : paleta perfecta pentru un look natural, combinand nuante de maro si verde.
The perfect pallete for a neutral look, because of its combination of brown and green shades.

Rocker : Este un quad numai bun de luat in geanta, datorita combinatiei de nuante naturale si dramatice. Poate fi folosit atat pentru un look de zi, cat si pentru unul de seara.
This is the perfect quad because of its combination of both neutral and dramatic shades. It can be used for a day look and a night one also. 
Ce spune E.l.f despre acest produs :
Fardul de ochi va avea un aspect mai fin, se va pastra timp indelungat pe pleoape si nu se va aduna in pliul ochiului. Culoarea ultra-nude creste longevitatea nuantei fardului de ochi. Formula usoara se absoarbe rapid în piele, oferind o senzatie confortabila.
What E.l.f says: Preps your eyelid for smoother, longer-lasting and crease-proof eyeshadow. The ultra sheer nude color works to increase eye color longevity. The lightweight liquid formula quickly absorbs into the skin for comfortable wear.
Parerea mea : Imi place consistenta sa, se intinde frumos si se usuca repede, dar nu rezista. Cel putin in cazul meu...
My opinion : I like its formula, it smouth out easily and it drys fast, but in my case, it's not long lasting...
Disclaimer : All the products were bought with my own money, E.l.f didn't pay me for this review.
All the swatches are made on primer.